
How to Control Broadleaf Weeds

Broadleaf weeds are tough, aggressive plants that pounce on any weak areas in your yard.

Keep these tough competitors out of your lawn

Broadleaf weeds can be tough, aggressive plants that pounce on any weak areas in your lawn. Broadleaf weeds are easily identified in the lawn because they do not resemble grass. Examples of broadleaf weeds include dandelions, chickweed, and plantain. The best way to fight them is to learn how they grow and what they like, then deprive them.


The best defense against weeds is a thick lawn that is properly cared for, well-fed and never scalped by mowing.

A thick lawn will be better able to choke out weeds and not allow them room to establish. You can promote a thick, healthy lawn by mowing at the right height (usually one of the 2 highest settings on your mower) and feeding your lawn 4 times a year with ScottsĀ® Turf BuilderĀ® Lawn Food. Also make sure that you patch any bare spots with a product like ScottsĀ® EZ Seed before weeds can become established in that bare spot.

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