
The Benefits of Fertilizing the Lawn in Fall

Discover a simple trick for a gorgeous lawn.

The Scotts Way: The Benefits of Fall Fertilizing

Think about the most gorgeous lawn in your neighborhood, one that looks amazing from early spring all the way through to wintertime. We'll bet we know at least one trick the owner has up his or her sleeve: fall lawn fertilizer.

But is it really necessary to fertilize your lawn in fall? The answer to that question is a resounding "Yes!" Not only does applying lawn fertilizer in fall contribute to both the health and good looks of your lawn, but fall is also the ideal time to give your lawn the nutrients it needs for a better lawn now and next spring. Why? Because fall is peak time for your lawn to begin storing nutrients and growing lots of strong roots.

Why You Should Fertilize Your Lawn in Fall

From grassroots to blade tips, feeding in the fall will do a whole lot of good for your lawn, both now and in the spring.

Fall lawn fertilizer will:

  • Help rejuvenate and repair your lawn: All lawns get stressed by summer heat, drought, heavy foot traffic, or a combination of those. Applying lawn food can help replenish frazzled, worn-out grass so it recovers quicker and better. Plus, a fall feeding provides a noticeable greening that lasts longer than an unfed lawn.
  • Give roots a pre-winter nutrient boost: Lawns get hungry, especially as they slow down at the end of the growing season. Fall lawn food helps your lawn grow stronger, deeper roots before cold weather and frozen soil set in.
  • Make for a strong start to spring with a greener lawn: During the dormant season, it's natural for your lawn's growth and energy to come to a near standstill. A fall feeding gives grass a big dose of essential nutrients to store for when they're needed most: the spring growing season. Not only will that lead to a thicker, lusher lawn, but your grass will green up earlier by as many as 2 to 6 weeks!

In short, applying grass fertilizer in fall gives your lawn the strength, stamina, and support it needs to make it through the cold-weather months so it will emerge lush and green in early spring. Now that's time well spent!

Choosing the Right Fall Fertilizer for Your Lawn

When choosing a fall fertilizer for grass, look for an easy-to-apply, nutrient-rich food that helps your lawn build those strong roots and recover from what summer inflicted on it. For all types of lawns, Scotts® Turf Builder® WinterGuard® Fall Lawn Food does that and more, including improving your lawn's ability to absorb water and nutrients.

Fall is also a great time to get perennial weeds like dandelions and clover under control with a fall weed and feed product. If weeds are an issue in your lawn, use Scotts® Turf Builder® WinterGuard® Fall Weed & Feed3 for your fall lawn fertilizing so you can control weeds while feeding your lawn.

If you live in the South* and have a St. Augustine, zoysia, or centipede grass lawn, choose Scotts® Turf Builder® Southern Triple Action* instead for fall lawn fertilization. Not only will it kill weeds, but it will also help protect your lawn from any lingering effects of heat and drought and has the added bonus of controlling fire ants. With all of these products, be sure to read the label and follow directions.

Want to know more about how to feed your lawn all year round? Check out this helpful guide on how and why to fertilize your lawn in every season.

*available in NC, SC, GA, AL, MS, AR, LA, FL, TX

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