Partnering for Progress
We are ensuring protection of our environment for the future through environmental partnerships.
Scotts® Gro for Good Grant Program
Each year, we award grants to deserving communities, schools and non-profit civic organizations seeking to develop sustainable gardens and green spaces.

Communities in Bloom
We help to inspire all communities to enhance their quality of life and our environment through our partnership with Communities in Bloom.

Food Banks Mississauga
Scotts Canada is a long time sponsor of Food Banks Mississauga. Our support extends beyond just financial support and includes volunteering as well as growing food and donating it.

Plant Grow Share a Row
Our work with Plant Grow Share a Row helps address the challenge of hunger by helping to feed members of our community. We encourage Canadians to grow extra food and share it with those less fortunate.

The Riverwood Conservancy
For over 20 years, Scotts Canada has supported environmental education and preservation with our on-going support for The Riverwood Conservancy. The Riverwood Conservancy’s mission is to enable people of all cultures, ages, and abilities to respectfully connect with nature and learn about the importance of protecting, conserving and restoring natural spaces for the well-being of future generations – all while experiencing the beauty of the Riverwood gardens.

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